5-Day Egg Fast – DAY 4

As mentioned in yesterday’s post, I overindulged a bit on cheese. Just for fun, I plugged all my food into the MyFitnessPal app, and I ate a whopping 2,365 calories! Holy Cow!!

Needless to say, I was NOT expecting any weight loss this morning, and would not have been shocked to see a little bit of a weight gain.

But no, I lost another 0.8 pounds. It seems to defy all logic.

Except, there has been a debate lately about the validity of the straight calories in/calories out model. Many people are beginning to understand that the source of calories also plays a factor.

The creator of Common Sense Keto, Coach Jack, even challenges people on the keto diet to significantly raise their calories if they are staying strict keto and hold to very strict macros. If you have time, I encourage you to read Coach Jack’s 5,000 Calorie Challenge.

I’m not personally willing to take that challenge, but it’s a very interesting read, and there have been surprising results from those who HAVE taken the challenge.

I tell you all of that because maybe the fact that I still lost 0.8 pounds even though I was about 500-600 calories over what would be my advised maintenance caloric intake doesn’t defy logic after all. Perhaps, the nutritional source of food matters and plays a significant role in weight loss and maintenance.

Egg Fast For Keto Diet Weigh In

Starting Weight: 147.8
After Day 1: 146.4
After Day 2: 145.8
After Day 3: 145.0

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Today, breakfast was an exact copy of yesterday! Because….um…PANCAKES!

I started the day with yummy Egg Fast Pancakes, cooked up in coconut oil, and topped with butter and 1 tbsp of Lakanto Maple Syrup.

If you’re new to the keto scene and haven’t heard of Lakanto Maple Syrup, it’s like a little piece of heaven! It’s made from monk fruit and is my go-to syrup for pancakes.

I also enjoyed an Egg Fast Coffee made with 2 cups coffee, 1 raw egg, 1 tbsp butter, and 1 tablespoon coconut oil.

Egg Fast For Keto Diet Breakfast

Total for breakfast: 3 Eggs, 4 Fats, 2 Cheese


I tested out a new recipe in the world of Egg Fast. Someone recently uploaded a PIN to Pinterest with a variation of yesterday’s Egg Fast Fettuccini Alfredo….they converted the recipe to Mac ‘n Cheese!!

That’s right! Egg Fast Mac ‘n Cheese! You will want to try this whether on the egg fast or not! It was shockingly good! It has become my second favorite egg fast dish, second ONLY to the alfredo version. I’m just partial to alfredo sauce ?

Egg Fast For Keto Diet Lunch

Total for lunch: 2 eggs, 3 fat, 2 Cheese


Have you tried Oopsie Bread? If not, I encourage you to check it out because it’s the perfect “bread” for the egg fast diet. I decided to have a little fun with it and made a Grilled Egg and Cheese Sandwich!

Egg Fast For Keto Diet Dinner

Total for dinner: 2 eggs, 2 fats 2 cheeses


The parmesan cheese snack happened again today. I thought I was going to make it all the way from lunch to dinner without snacking, but at 4 pm, I found myself starving!

Sooooo, I once again poured a ¼ cup of parmesan cheese into a bowl and ate it with a spoon. It’s weird, I know, but since I did this for the second day in a row, I’m just gonna roll with it. It satisfies hunger quite well.

Thanks to a nice 3-mile trail walk with friends, I think I’m bypassing the Egg Fast Shake today. We arrived home near bedtime, and I’m going to hit the hay after typing these next few words.

Total for snack: 1 Cheese

My fats were higher than my eggs today, and my cheeses were too high again. I’m not happy with those ratios, but, once again, we’ll see what the scale says in the morning!

I have not suffered any loss of energy this week. I know a lot of people say they feel sluggish during an egg fast, and I have not experienced that. I walked 2 miles this morning and another 3 miles this evening without any issues. I can only assume it’s because I’m eating plenty to fuel my body.

Totals for the Day

7 eggs, 9 fats, 7 cheeses

Do You Want to Join Me? Comment below with “I’m in!!” so we can encourage each other!

You can also follow my Egg Fast progress on my YouTube channel, so don’t forget to subscribe to Healthy Ambitions on YouTube!

Tweet me at @TheCathyDean with your favorite keto egg fast recipes and/or egg fast keto meal plan in case I ever decide to do this again!

Jump to:
Keto Re-Focus with a 5-Day Egg Fast
5-Day Egg Fast – DAY 1
5-Day Egg Fast – DAY 2
5-Day Egg Fast – DAY 3
5-Day Egg Fast – DAY 4
5-Day Egg Fast – DAY 5
5-Day Egg Fast Results

Happy Fasting!


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