5-Day Keto Egg Fast Results

The 5-day keto egg fast results are in and they look good! My final weigh-in, the morning after day 5, showed a total fasting loss of 3.4 lbs. Not too shabby if you’ve experienced a long-term weight loss plateau.

I’m really happy with the results!

My energy levels were pretty good throughout the egg fast and I didn’t have any cravings for non-egg foods.

I did have a few moments of weakness where I wanted to give up and eat something else but I’m glad I stuck it out.

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5 Day Egg Fast Results

Here are my egg fast results from the start to the end.

Starting Weight: 147.8 pounds

  • After Day 1: 146.4
  • After Day 2: 145.8
  • After Day 3: 145.0
  • After Day 4: 145.0
  • After Day 5: 144.4

Total Egg Fast Weight Loss: 3.4 pounds!

Keto Egg Fast Results Final Weight

The egg fast results aren’t too shabby if you ask me! I’m perfectly happy with 3 1/2 pounds gone in less than a week!

Recap on the Egg Fast Rules

The rules are pretty simple and simple is good when you’re trying to lose weight! These are the 3 MOST IMPORTANT rules to follow.

  1. Eat a minimum of 6 eggs per day
  2. Eat 1 tablespoon of healthy fat for each egg (butter, mayonnaise, ghee, coconut oil, etc…)
  3. No more than 3 ounces of cheese per day

A few additional rules, that are optional but recommended, include:

  • Eat the first egg within 30 minutes of waking up
  • Have an egg fast meal every 3-5 hours
  • Stop eating 3 hours before bedtime
  • Use spices, condiments, and low-carb sweeteners sparingly (no more than 5g net carbs per day)
  • Enjoy zero-carb drinks like coffee or tea. This includes bullet proof coffee made with butter or MCT oil, but no dairy!

Get perfect hard boiled eggs every time with the Dash Rapid Egg Cooker!

Thoughts on the Egg Fast Diet Food

There are two ways to do an egg fast. One includes holding to a strict, eggs and fats only rule, which will provide the best results, but is tough to maintain for a full five days.

The other involves enjoyable recipes, which include various cheeses, making it easier to extend the egg fast beyond a few days, BUT the overall results will not be as dramatic.

I personally like a variety in my diet which is why you saw me break away from strict keto egg fast rules of eating by the end of day 2.

The other downside to the “fun” keto egg fast recipes is they do require more time in the kitchen, and for those with busy lives, making an egg fast fettuccine alfredo or egg fast crepes may not be in the cards.

Most people can make time to whip up a batch of scrambled eggs, but how many times in a row can you really eat that?

Get fancy with your hard boiled egg slicing with the BIBURY Egg Cutter Heavy Duty Slicer!

In the Days After the Keto 5-Day Egg Fast

It’s no secret that most people gain back any weight they lose on a fast, and the same holds true for the Egg Fast…for most people!

There is, however, a smart way to transition back to a normal keto diet plan and minimize the risk of gaining all the weight back.

Full transparency, I DID NOT transition back to regular keto eating the smart way. As a result, I gained back all but 0.2 lbs.

Keto Egg Fast Results Starting Weight

So, what is the proper way to transition off the Egg Fast Diet?

The proper way to transition is to slowly reintegrate low carb foods into your diet.

For example, the first day post-egg fast, continue eating an egg fast meal plan for breakfast and lunch but add an additional meat and/or veggie to dinner.

On day two, keep breakfast like an egg fast meal plan, but add meats and/or veggies back into your lunch and dinner that day.

You can take even longer to transition back to a full-time ketogenic diet, and my guess is the weight loss results would likely hold with a longer transition.

The rule of thumb is to take as many days to transition back to a normal keto diet as you were on the Keto Egg Fast Diet.

But that’s not what I did!

Nope, I went full-fledged back onto Keto on the very first day post-egg fast. I’ll be the first to admit my reason are simply excuses, but I want to be real with you.

It was Father’s Day weekend and we left town to visit family. Selfishly, I didn’t want to plan a proper transition while out of town, AND I had just made Keto Oreo Cookies for my husband, AND I wanted to enjoy the cookies.

I also wanted meat…lots of meat!! I missed meat!!

I’m honestly happy with the initial keto egg fast diet results, and I’m not bummed about the weight gain over the weekend, because I expected it.

Will I do another Keto 5-Day Egg Fast in the future?

Probably, but not for a while. I have lots of yummy recipes that I want to make, and improve upon.

Plus, many non-keto recipes I want to convert to keto, and doing an egg fast holds up my other areas of experimentation.

Would I recommend the Egg Fast?

Absolutely! When done properly, I do believe it’s a great way to break through a weight loss stall, AND it’s a great way to take back control of your eating when your cravings have gotten out of control.


Can you do the Egg Fast for More than 5-Days

If you’re feeling good, and the weight is still dropping, I don’t see why not! I’ve seen a few keto bloggers the egg fast for a month!

You probably won’t see me doing a full 30-days because the lack of food variety would drive me bonkers!

If you plan to do that yourself, just be careful and keep a good lookout for any signs of nutrient deficiencies.

I recommend adding a good multivitamin to your daily routine, just in case!

What kind of Results can You Expect with the Egg Fast Diet?

The egg fast diet is a great way to get your body into deep ketosis and enjoy all the benefits associated with it.

You will probably experience less hunger and fewer cravings for sweet foods or other unhealthy options that may be tempting you.

It’s a great way to hit that reset button on the keto diet if you’ve allowed too many carbs to sneak into your diet.

Can you REALLY lose weight by just eating eggs?

Yes, you can lose weight by eating eggs. In fact, the egg fast diet is a great way to jumpstart your weight loss or break through a weight loss plateau.

I’ve seen people lose up to 10 pounds in just a week on this diet!

Of course, results will vary from person to person.

Can I do the Egg Fast if I don’t follow a Keto Diet?

The Egg Fast Diet was created for people who are already following a low-carb, ketogenic diet.

If you’re not following a keto diet, I would recommend starting there before doing the egg fast diet because it will be a lot more difficult, and you are more likely to experience the keto flu.

Start by transitioning into a low-carb keto diet first, then after a couple of months, give the egg fast a try. It will be much easier on your body.

Here are a few highlights from the week. If you’d like to know more about the meals in the below picture, I’ve provided links to each of the egg fast days below!

Keto Egg Fast Results Meals

What about you? Have you done an Egg Fast or do you plan to in the future? If so, what were your keto egg fast results? Comment below and let me know!!

You can also follow my Egg Fast progress on my YouTube channel, so don’t forget to subscribe to Healthy Ambitions on YouTube!

Jump to:
Keto Re-Focus with a 5-Day Egg Fast
5-Day Egg Fast – DAY 1
5-Day Egg Fast – DAY 2
5-Day Egg Fast – DAY 3
5-Day Egg Fast – DAY 4
5-Day Egg Fast – DAY 5
5-Day Egg Fast Results

Happy Fasting!

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