The Keto Course Review – What Makes this One Different?

What if I told you the Keto Diet was more than just a weight loss program? What if I said you could heal your body from metabolic issues, digestive problems, and so much more?

Would you be interested?

The Keto Course, by world-famous keto experts Maria and Craig Emmerich, was designed to teach you exactly why the keto diet works, the science behind it, and provide you with the tools you need to succeed.

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Effectiveness 4/5 Stars

The effectiveness of the program is dependent upon the user. Most people find success when following the program as intended.

Price – 3/5 Stars

It’s a bit pricey, but you honestly get what you pay for. No other program dives into the science behind keto like this one does.

Ease of Use – 5/5 Stars

The program is super user-friendly. It’s online, and module based. The courses are delivered in video format with relevant downloads to save for future reference.

Support – 5/5 Stars

The 90-Day Silver Membership you get gives you access to the Q&A on Maria and Craig’s website. They are VERY available to answer all question. AND, if you purchase the VIP Course, you get 8 Weekly LIVE Webinar to speak to the course creators directly!

What I like.

  • Video Tutorials
  • Scientific Information
  • Lots of Downloadable Resources
  • Starter Menu Plans
  • Food List
  • Easy to Understand
  • Educational
  • Q&A Support from the Course Creators

What I don’t like.

  • No payment plan option

(Ok, I am sitting here thinking I need more cons listed, but I just can’t think of them. It’s a great program! It seems pricey until you realize the value of all the information you are getting!

You get everything you need to succeed with The Keto Course! And with the Lifetime Access packages, you can even make your own interactive meal plans with grocery lists or simply use the included 30-day meal plans. You get everything you need heal your body naturally by addressing the root causes of your issues.


I was just a girl trying to lose weight and save her husband.

I ‘ve always had perfect cholesterol and blood pressure, but my weight began steadily increasing after my 37th birthday. I was eventually diagnosed with a thyroid disorder.

My husband has always had high blood pressure and super high cholesterol. But after the doctor told us my husband was a ticking timebomb for a stroke or heart attack, we knew we had to make a change.

We tried the vegan diet, only to have it raise my husband’s cholesterol even higher. Unsure of where else to turn, but will to try anything, we decided to swing the opposite direction and go keto!

18 months later, my weight is under control, and my husband is the healthiest and most fit he’s been since high school.

For most people, that would be the end of the story. But you see, I’m a person that really loves to learn, and for the past 6 months, I’ve been nerding out on the science behind the keto diet.

Keto is about so much more than weight loss.

Did you know the diet was originally designed to treat children with epilepsy? Crazy right? It certainly seems “out there” until you study the science behind it. A ketogenic diet puts your body into the metabolic state of ketosis, burning body fat for fuel, and using body fat to create ketones in the liver for other body functions.

The brain LOVES ketones. It’s like high-performance fuel for the brain. The keto diet is even being studied as a possible treatment for other neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s diseases.

Ok, hopefully I haven’t lost you yet, because the keto diet has so many more health benefits than even the brain.

Beyond weight loss.

Do you struggle with any of the following?

  • Infertility
  • PCOS
  • Migraines
  • Belly Fat Accumulation (beer belly)
  • Interrupted Sleep (waking too early)
  • Breast Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Thyroid Cancer

Maybe some of you are dealing with these issues.

  • Heart Disease
  • Plaque in Your Arteries
  • High Cholesterol
  • High Blood Pressure

Or maybe you identify with the following.

  • Diabetes
  • Lyme Disease
  • Multiple Sclerosis

Some of these issues are rooted in a hormone imbalance, for both men and women. Others are caused by toxicity in our bodies as a result of the Standard American Diet and chemicals found in our food and products.

A few issues are genetic or environmental.

What if, instead of throwing a “medical band aide” at the problem, you could adjust your diet, and heal yourself from the inside out.

What if you could eventually lower the doses on your medication and in some cases, do away with the medication all together?

For many people, that sounds too good to be true. Until recently, I didn’t realize that Type 2 Diabetes could be totally reversed with the keto diet. Cured!

(side note…I specify type 2 diabetes, because there is no cure for Type 1 Diabetes, although I know many T1Ds that better control their type 1 diabetes with a ketogenic diet.)

Folks, western medicine is failing us in so many ways. I’m not against western medicine, but I do believe it should be the last resort, not the first. Let food by thy medicine! 

Marie Emmerich, co-creator of The Keto Course, once told the story of her health issues as a teenager. The doctor prescribed various medications to mask the symptoms, meant to make her “feel better”.

That same year, Maria’s took her dog to the veterinarian because it’s hair was falling out. The vet’s first question was, “What are you feeding him?”

Maria was dumbfounded. Why had her own doctor not asked her the same question? I mean, if a dog’s diet can affect it’s health, wouldn’t the same apply for people?

Yep, let that thought sink in for a moment…

Learn the science, lose weight, and heal your body.

I thought I knew a lot about the ketogenic diet. But my 18 little months researching keto is nothing compared to the 20 YEARS of experience and knowledge that Craig and Maria Emmerich have accumulated.

The more I read up on the Emmerich’s story and how they healed and controlled their own ailments, the more fascinated I become.

I already knew Maria was a genius in the kitchen and created the yummiest of keto recipes, but I had no idea, until recently, how much they studied the science behind keto…specifically Craig. He is a former engineer and a total science geek.

They make the perfect team! And together, they created the most AH-mazing Keto Course I’ve come across yet! I’ve invested in other keto courses, but none of them come close to the level of information and support provided in the Emmerich’s Keto Course.

Take a look at the course trailer!

I spent 2 weeks watching all the videos and reading the course material in The Keto Course, and I was blown away! I literally took 20 pages of typed notes on my computer. After each module, I excitedly told my family all I had learned!

I was back in school and soaking up a ton of new knowledge. The information in The Keto Course took my passion for the keto diet to a whole new level. I can’t tell you how many times I uttered the words, “Oh my goodness, that makes so much sense!”.

So, how has The Keto Course impacted me?

  • I’m working to eliminate foods that negatively affect my hormones.
  • I’m using the meal plans from the course, and let me tell you, the recipes are incredible!
  • I purchased tickets to KetoCon 2020. (Yep, I’m going to a Keto Convention to listen to a bunch of keto expert give speeches…how nerdy is that! LOL)
  • I’m planning to get my Keto Coach Certification in the next year, another course offered by Craig and Maria Emmerich, to continue my learning and equip myself to help others lose weight and heal their bodies.

Dare I say, The Keto Course is life-changing? At the very least, it’s extremely educational and gives you the knowledge and the tools to succeed. Where you go from there is up to you.

What’s in The Keto Course?

The Keto Course provides you with everything you need to lose weight and heal your body naturally by addressing the root causes of your issues.

You can choose from 3 different levels.

Keto Starter Package

90-Day Access
$ 199

  • 90 Day Course Access
  • 90 Days of Silver Membership! ($30 value)
  • 30 Day Interactive Meal Plans
  • Cooking Videos and Tutorials
  • Over 70 Amazing Videos

Buy Now

Keto Package

Lifetime Access
$ 298

  • Lifetime Access including New content!
  • 30 Day Interactive Meal Plans
  • 60 Day Gold Membership ($40 value)
  • Question and Answer Module for Unlimited Support
  • Cooking Videos and Tutorials
  • Over 70 Amazing Videos

Buy Now

VIP Keto Package

Lifetime Access
$ 398

  • 8 Weekly Live Webinars
  • Lifetime Access with new content added every year!
  • 60 Day Interactive Meal Plans
  • 7 Day Protein Sparing Modified Fast Meal Plans!
  • 60 day Platinum Membership ($70 value)
  • Personal Macro Targets
  • Make You Own Meal Plans!
  • Question and Answer Module for Unlimited Support
  • Cooking Videos and Tutorials
  • Over 70 Amazing Videos

Buy Now
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About Your Instructors

Maria is a wellness expert with over 15 years of experience in Keto nutrition and helping clients heal their bodies. She has helped thousands of clients around the world use a well formulated ketogenic diet to get healthy and lose weight. She is an International Best-Selling Author of over 10 books and cookbooks on the ketogenic diet. She has an amazing ability to create incredibly tasty recipes that keep you in ketosis and burning fat for fuel using innovative ingredients.

Craig has a background in Electrical Engineering and has a passion for researching and understanding how our bodies work. He is always studying the latest science behind our biology and presenting it in an easy to understand format. Craig has a passion for helping people leverage their biology to heal their bodies and address root causes of disease. He is co-author of their best-selling book “Keto.”

What Other Customers are Saying

This package is amazing! I can’t believe how beautiful and professional the videos are and the amount of information Craig and Maria are able to pack into this course while keeping it so easy to understand and follow!


The Keto Course is nothing short of amazing. I’ve tried reading scientific data on the keto diet before but couldn’t get past all the medical jargon. Craig presents the science behind keto in a way that anyone can understand. Aside from the science, the course provides ready-made meal plans along with recipe instructions and grocery shopping list. Everything is done for you! Worth every penny!


It is a long story of why we did it. Other than the obvious. We did it for our daughter who was having issues being overweight as well. From the age of 5 they thought she was going to start puberty. I guess an effect of being obese. So we needed to do it for her. My wife is 35 now and I am 36. Our daughter is now going on 11. Our son is 7. My wife stumbled upon your website one day and we decided to give it a chance. I was about 500 lbs taking heart burn meds and blood pressure meds. My wife was pushing 190 on a little 5 foot 3 frame. The weight started coming off instantly. We have been eating this way for 5 years now. My beautiful wife is now 115 lbs (lost 75 pounds). I no longer take any meds never had heart burn since, and I am down to 219 (LOST 281 pounds). Our daughter no longer has her health issues, and our doctors are so proud of what we accomplished as a family. The use us as “poster child”. We have no desire to ever go back. The food is amazing. But most importantly we are healthy. Our daughter is going on 11 and still no puberty. I can’t even begin to thank you enough for everything you do and did for us. We are ever great full. Thank you for the amazing recipes you come up with. Thank you for your hard work and desire to help make others life’s better.


Are your ready to start your journey to become a healthier and more energetic version of yourself?

Click Here to Choose Your Keto Package TODAY!

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