Please read over the entire FAQ section before asking your questions in the community group

Please also check this page regularly, as we will be updating it as we go along! 

Meal Times

The meal times are more like guidelines. For best results, try to push the first meal back as late as you can (4 hours after waking up is ideal). This is called intermittent fasting, and it has been proven to aid greatly in weight loss. Pushing back your first meal will also help you reduce your calorie intake for the day.

If you would rather eat 1-2 meals a day instead of 3, that is perfectly fine. Just make sure that you still get in the total amount of protein per day in those 2 meals. Do not skimp on the protein.

Remember not to force yourself to eat when you are not hungry just because you have scheduled meal times. Try a whey protein shake with water if you need to get in the extra protein but feel too full to eat more meat.

Experiencing Side Effects?

Headaches, nausea, irregular bowel movements, etc. are VERY common in the first week. These are detox symptoms, often referred to as the Keto-Flu, and it is just your body adjusting to the new style of eating.

It usually passes after the first week, but depending on how your diet was before the program, it could linger into the 2nd week.

Make sure you are drinking ALL of the required water during this time to help flush the toxins out of your body.

Make sure to keep your electrolytes up! If you are feeling super groggy, drinking an electrolyte drink can help.

Click here to learn more about the Keto Flu!


It does not matter what time you take your daily walks. We often recommend taking them earlier in the day, because that is when your willpower is usually strongest.

It can be more difficult after a full day of work, taking care of kids, fixing meals, etc. That being said, you can take your walk at any time of the day that you prefer.

Apple Cider Vinegar

This is for those of you that don’t know what it is, are unsure of how to drink it, or can’t seem to stomach the taste but wish they could.

Apple cider vinegar is extremely important because it helps to suppress appetite (majorly) as well as puts healthy bacteria back into your gut. This is key to healthy weight loss because it ensures that you are processing and absorbing nutrients properly.

Recommended: 2 tablespoons per day, preferably 30 minutes before meals for best effects.

  • Mix 1 tablespoon in a large glass of water, and drink. Work your way up to adding 2 tablespoons, or simply have the drink twice a day. You can also mix lemon juice in if you don’t like the taste. It is an acquired taste though, so try to work at it.
  • Use it as a salad dressing. This is a good option if you just simply can’t stand to drink it, although it is the most beneficial when taken 30 minutes before meals.
  • Cook with it. It’s great to cook with, although it should not be used as a substitute for having it raw during the day. Heating ACV up will kill off some of the natural enzymes that help promote good digestion.


One of the most frequently asked questions we get is regarding how to make good smoothies. This is a personal preference, but here are some ideas.

Mix the protein powder, water, or unsweetened (0g sugar) nut milk such as cashew, coconut, or almond, ice, and any approved low-carb veggies you would like (we recommend spinach, kale, cucumber, or celery).

We don’t recommend them for every meal. Chewing your food is an important part of the digestive process.

Protein Powders

A good protein powder should contain 0-2g of sugar, 0-3g carbs, and 20-30g of protein per serving.

Our recommendations for protein powders can be found in our 21-Day Supplement Guide.

Other Notes About Food and Drinks

We cannot make exceptions to the list for specific dietary reasons, taste preferences, or otherwise.

Any deviation from the list and subsequent weight loss results is your responsibility.

A few other frequently asked questions about food items:

Sparkling water (such as La Croix) is okay as long as it has zero sweeteners (artificial or not), zero sodium, and zero calories. Tea (hot or iced) is okay as long as it follows the same rules.

“Diet” teas, sodas, water flavorings, and other drinks that claim “zero calories” are not approved under any circumstances. They are loaded with artificial sugars and other harmful ingredients that hinder weight loss.

Coffee drinkers: As stated in the product materials, black coffee (caffeinated or decaf) is allowed. NO heavy cream is allowed until Stag2, and no stevia or any other sweeteners are allowed until Stage 3. The only exception is a splash of unsweetened (0g sugar) nut milk such as almond, coconut, or cashew (and that is a splash, not a latte).

Unsweetened non-dairy milks such as almond, coconut, or cashew are also okay to drink during other parts of the challenge as long as it isn’t during a fast – provided that they have ZERO grams sugar or other artificial sweeteners added.

No sauces or dressings (even sugar free or calorie free) are allowed. Only red wine vinegar and apple cider vinegar are allowed as stated in the product materials.

Note About Weight Loss Results and Plateaus

This program was designed to give you a detox, which results in a quick and steady weight drop during the first week. This is due to the fasting, low calories, and carb detox.

Please note that weight loss WILL slow (and even plateau for 2-3 days) around days 7-9 due to the reintroduction of dairy and nuts.

This is to be expected, so please do not freak out, get discouraged, or give up.

You should still continue to see results throughout the Challenge. We most often see an average of 15 pounds lost in 21 days. Note that this is the average of what we have advertised (10-21 lbs in 21 days). We have seen many people lose as much as 20-21 pounds during the challenge, and others have lost closer to 10-12.

This is due to a variety of factors. Age, stress levels, and hormones all play a role. Some people are far more insulin resistant than others. Some people also cheat on the Challenge and discount it as though it could not have made a huge difference. Make no mistake; consuming dairy and nuts during the detox phase or eating too many carbs WILL affect your bottom line.

Please do not get discouraged, and keep going with the Challenge. You should continue to see weight loss, and you can always restart it again to lose more weight.

*If you have reintroduced dairy and nuts and your weight has been stuck for at least 4 days: Try removing them again for a few days (or for the rest of the Challenge). Some of you will be far more sensitive to dairy and nuts than others, and your body may be a lot more stubborn with letting go of that fat while eating these types of food.

We encourage you to experiment with dairy and nuts and find a healthy level that works for your body.

Many people have more than 21 pounds to lose, and the Challenge was designed so that it could be repeated multiple times for more weight loss. We have had many people successfully complete multiple rounds of the Challenge and lose more weight.

COMING SOON! After the Challenge